I'm a little late... as usual. ;) This past week was another busy one! As you can see below, my first baby shower was this past Saturday. It was amazing! My other shower is this coming Satruday, and I couldn't be more excited!
I had a doctor's appt. Tuesday - another very boring appointment. I guess that's good though... we don't want any big news for a few more weeks! She did say she wants to do a growth U/S in 3 weeks, and I'm sooo excited to see Lily again! It feels like forever since we've "seen" her!
Sunday we had our pictures done, finally. The lady stood us up two weekends in a row, so I was shocked when she called us Sunday and said she was at the house! She thought we had an appointment scheduled for 4... um NO!! We were out and about all day Sunday. So I pleaded with her to wait until 5, we rushed home and got ready, and had them done at what I think was the perfect time of the day. The sun was almost setting, so I'm excited to see how they turned out.
**How far along? 34 Weeks... 6 to go!!
**Total weight gain/loss: None this week!! Wahoo!!! Still up 33 though.
**How big is baby?: Around 5 lbs. My little chunky butt. :)
**Maternity clothes? It's amazing how few I can fit into. She's dropped so much, none of the shirts are long enough!
**Stretch marks? I'm still holding out hope that I'm just seeing veins, not stretchies on my tummy. I'll let you know as soon as I figure it out (or come out of denial.)
**Sleep: a much better week this week. Thank God! I was a walking zombie last week.
**Best moment this week: Hearing my baby girls heartbeat at the doctors office. It never gets old. :)
**Movement: She's hilarious! She'll only move for a few select people, others she "hides". She sticks her butt out for her daddy and I though.
**Food cravings: Nothing new. Still the glorious slush puppies. I've been wanting to try new weird things that I've never tasted though, like avacado. Oh, and I've become a fan of hot sauce. That's a very strange one for me. I even put it on my pizza!
**Gender: Sweet baby girl!
**Labor Signs: A hella lot of braxton hicks. Like maybe around 25-30 a day. None are painful though, so the dr. says that's fine.
**Belly Button in or out? Still a gross looking outie.
**What I am looking forward to: My other baby shower this weekend, and our growth U/S in 3 weeks!!
**Weekly Wisdom: If you've ever contemplated getting your belly button pierced, DONT! Well, if you ever want kids that is. The hole turns into this weird, gross looking stretched out line above your belly button. Trust me, your belly button does not need any help looking strange at this point.
**Milestones: We have 3 weeks until full term. O.M.G. that's less than a month...