Thursday, July 15, 2010

I've been brainwashed.

I'm officially a "Twihard". How in the world did that happen? One minute, I was making fun of all the kids drooling over Edwards jawline and Jacob's banging body, the next? I'm sitting in the theater, sweating with anticipation and excitement, hoping Bella will choose her true love in the end.

Oh, boy.

Seriously, I think the whole Twilight series is laced with some sort of mental crack. It's got to be! How do you become so hooked on something so silly as vampires and werewolves? It sucks you in and in an instant, you're addicted. It's ridiculous.

Jack and I went to see "Eclipse" in the Imax theater's this past weekend. For those who have never seen a movie in Imax, you have to experience it at least once. It's the biggest screen I've ever seen. The sound? It's so loud your seat vibratea. I wouldn't recommend seeing a scary movie this way though, unless you absolutely love being scared to death, because it WILL scare you.

Anyways, I'm not going to give away the ending, but I'll just say you'll be pleasantly surprised. Well, at least I was. :)


  1. Hi - I'm a new follower , please check out my blog & follow me back.
    Thanks, Mr. Monkey

  2. I can honestly say that I haven't read the books or watched the movies either... but I totally think that those two are cute!
    BTW, you won the spotlight this week on Mingle Mondays!! Stop by and check it out!

  3. =) i LOOOVE twilight too. not til a few weeks ago, i protested and then i finally gave in!!

    cute blog btw!!

    and i'm your newest follower!! =)

  4. Im a total Twi Mom.... Loved the books better then the movies BUT still loved the movies...well Eclipse had to be the best so far.

    New Follower from Mingle Mondays I'd love if you followed back

  5. oh and I forgot to mention I love your a twihard sooo team Jacob or Edward

  6. haha! I'm going to have to say...


    Team Edward!
